Prophetic Word given by Maryann Howard
February 16, 2020. We at CFC must begin to live above the status quo- that's where we have been. We can't just come to church when we feel like it and just kind of listen. We must become involved with the worship, with the message and with the people- if we are to be the people God wants us to be... No more unbelieving believers at CFC. We will become the church we have been in the past and will be again! God will begin to do miracles in our body-the church-if we let ourselves believe He can and we cooperate.
February 16, 2020. We at CFC must begin to live above the status quo- that's where we have been. We can't just come to church when we feel like it and just kind of listen. We must become involved with the worship, with the message and with the people- if we are to be the people God wants us to be... No more unbelieving believers at CFC. We will become the church we have been in the past and will be again! God will begin to do miracles in our body-the church-if we let ourselves believe He can and we cooperate.
Prophetic Dream given by Maryann Howard
November 27, 2019 God's people are going to need to stand and fight against the force of evil like never before. They must stand up for what is right in the world as well as the church. Fearing no one for the Lord is our protector. The forces of hell cannot prevail if God's people act like God's people.
November 27, 2019 God's people are going to need to stand and fight against the force of evil like never before. They must stand up for what is right in the world as well as the church. Fearing no one for the Lord is our protector. The forces of hell cannot prevail if God's people act like God's people.
Prophetic Word given by Tammy Manlove
Last Sunday, May 20, 2018, there were some very heavy winds that had been blowing all night, and into the morning. As we stepped outside to go to church, I saw that many things looked ‘out of place’ and I started to move them back where they ‘belonged’. I then sensed the Spirit of the Lord say that these were not just high winds, but that in the Spirit, they were ‘Winds of Change’. I sensed that He was saying that mild winds do not have the same strength, but that Strong Winds have the Power to re-arrange things. I sensed that the Lord is blowing on our hearts, our Spirit and our Souls (mind, will, and emotions). Things will not feel the same or look the same and our tendency will be to put things back where they ‘belong’. I sensed that this is not the thing to do. He is removing some things, bringing other things in, and causing new things to happen. It may feel uncomfortable but this is from the Lord. Our part will be to come into full repentance and allow the Lord to search our hearts and remove anything that needs to be removed. This re-arranging will allow us to fully come into the new season that the Lord has for us and allow us to move into a level of Spiritual Authority that we do not currently walk in.
Last Sunday, May 20, 2018, there were some very heavy winds that had been blowing all night, and into the morning. As we stepped outside to go to church, I saw that many things looked ‘out of place’ and I started to move them back where they ‘belonged’. I then sensed the Spirit of the Lord say that these were not just high winds, but that in the Spirit, they were ‘Winds of Change’. I sensed that He was saying that mild winds do not have the same strength, but that Strong Winds have the Power to re-arrange things. I sensed that the Lord is blowing on our hearts, our Spirit and our Souls (mind, will, and emotions). Things will not feel the same or look the same and our tendency will be to put things back where they ‘belong’. I sensed that this is not the thing to do. He is removing some things, bringing other things in, and causing new things to happen. It may feel uncomfortable but this is from the Lord. Our part will be to come into full repentance and allow the Lord to search our hearts and remove anything that needs to be removed. This re-arranging will allow us to fully come into the new season that the Lord has for us and allow us to move into a level of Spiritual Authority that we do not currently walk in.
Prophetic Word given to Charlotte Howard by Holy Spirit
My People are being destroyed by lack of knowledge. Not the lack of knowledge of money, prosperity or position but the lack of knowledge concerning who I am. They read but do not see. They hear but do not understand. They have no Depth of understanding of who I am nor of my ways. They play at understanding, but do not want to hear my Spirit as He speaks to them. They listen but do not follow or obey what they hear. They look at things through the eyes of fear, anger, unbelief when things happen in their world and place blame first on others and then on me. They do not regard things from faith and knowledge of who I am nor of my purposes. They have yet to see my purpose for My church.
It is not for you to have wealth of riches but the wealth of my Kingdom. Your inheritance is the wealth of my Kingdom and the wealth of my Kingdom is Revelation. You must value what you have in your hand. I asked Moses “What is that in your hand” and he answered, “A rod.” I said “Throw it down.” I wanted him to see that it was not the rod, but me who would direct his life and deliver my people from bondage. It would be the power of my Kingdom which is wealth that would set my people free. It was not his rod but my power directing the use of the rod that would bring deliverance. What I require is faith that will trust me to use what is in your hand.
It’s time for my people to rise up, to know who I am, to know my character, and my ways. It’s time for you to understand that I have chosen my body to move against darkness and set people and nations free. No one is exempt from my purpose to be salt and light to this generation. Now is the time for my church to assault the gates of hell that have imprisoned minds, hearts, lives, not only of people but of nations. Across my world darkness rules and it is my church, my people who must be light. I am light and so are you. Learn what that means and step into it and become that.
There is little victory in my people because they do not trust me. If they did, they would look at things differently. They walk with down cast eyes and hearts. Jacob walked with a limp because he wrestled with me to obtain a blessing. He held on to me until he obtained that blessing and the result of that was a touch that changed his walk forever. He experienced a name change that allowed him to walk with me in integrity. Because of my Son you Have been changed and newness of life has come and that is in my Son, in the Spirit of the living God. I have declared you to be My habitation. I live in you as individuals and in you as My church.
This is not only a new year, but a new day, a new beginning for each of you and for CFC. Bondage's of the past will be broken; unfulfilled promises will become real in your everyday life. Ask me for revelation so you can encounter the fullness of my word activated in your life. Let me Make you a people who truly know me, my thoughts and ways. It’s time for you to live, really live and possess all that I have spoken to you. It’s time that you move from complacence and apathy and possess all my Kingdom represents- Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit. It’s time to walk in the knowledge that my kingdom is not in word but in Power.
You are stewards of the mysteries of my kingdom. Learn what they are. Come to understand the keys of the kingdom given to you and how you are to use them. Come to the understanding of covenant and walk from that knowledge. Come to the place where your heart yearns after me and heavenly things and then you will be satisfied and fully equipped to do all I have called you to do. Understand that your purpose as a portion of my church called CFC is fitted for who you are collectively, no one is exempt, all are needed. I want you to understand that your purpose on earth is 1. Focus on Kingdom purpose not your life; 2. On Kingdom responsibilities not your life responsibilities; 3. Kingdom provision not life provision. I am your source. Learn to do the things that produce Kingdom life and your earthly life will be fully provided for.
We have much work to accomplish – you and I. We will accomplish it together. Do not look to others but look to me. Do not think that you are exempt because of health, money, education issues. In my kingdom these have no relevance only faith that presses in. A new day! Contend for it!!
My People are being destroyed by lack of knowledge. Not the lack of knowledge of money, prosperity or position but the lack of knowledge concerning who I am. They read but do not see. They hear but do not understand. They have no Depth of understanding of who I am nor of my ways. They play at understanding, but do not want to hear my Spirit as He speaks to them. They listen but do not follow or obey what they hear. They look at things through the eyes of fear, anger, unbelief when things happen in their world and place blame first on others and then on me. They do not regard things from faith and knowledge of who I am nor of my purposes. They have yet to see my purpose for My church.
It is not for you to have wealth of riches but the wealth of my Kingdom. Your inheritance is the wealth of my Kingdom and the wealth of my Kingdom is Revelation. You must value what you have in your hand. I asked Moses “What is that in your hand” and he answered, “A rod.” I said “Throw it down.” I wanted him to see that it was not the rod, but me who would direct his life and deliver my people from bondage. It would be the power of my Kingdom which is wealth that would set my people free. It was not his rod but my power directing the use of the rod that would bring deliverance. What I require is faith that will trust me to use what is in your hand.
It’s time for my people to rise up, to know who I am, to know my character, and my ways. It’s time for you to understand that I have chosen my body to move against darkness and set people and nations free. No one is exempt from my purpose to be salt and light to this generation. Now is the time for my church to assault the gates of hell that have imprisoned minds, hearts, lives, not only of people but of nations. Across my world darkness rules and it is my church, my people who must be light. I am light and so are you. Learn what that means and step into it and become that.
There is little victory in my people because they do not trust me. If they did, they would look at things differently. They walk with down cast eyes and hearts. Jacob walked with a limp because he wrestled with me to obtain a blessing. He held on to me until he obtained that blessing and the result of that was a touch that changed his walk forever. He experienced a name change that allowed him to walk with me in integrity. Because of my Son you Have been changed and newness of life has come and that is in my Son, in the Spirit of the living God. I have declared you to be My habitation. I live in you as individuals and in you as My church.
This is not only a new year, but a new day, a new beginning for each of you and for CFC. Bondage's of the past will be broken; unfulfilled promises will become real in your everyday life. Ask me for revelation so you can encounter the fullness of my word activated in your life. Let me Make you a people who truly know me, my thoughts and ways. It’s time for you to live, really live and possess all that I have spoken to you. It’s time that you move from complacence and apathy and possess all my Kingdom represents- Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit. It’s time to walk in the knowledge that my kingdom is not in word but in Power.
You are stewards of the mysteries of my kingdom. Learn what they are. Come to understand the keys of the kingdom given to you and how you are to use them. Come to the understanding of covenant and walk from that knowledge. Come to the place where your heart yearns after me and heavenly things and then you will be satisfied and fully equipped to do all I have called you to do. Understand that your purpose as a portion of my church called CFC is fitted for who you are collectively, no one is exempt, all are needed. I want you to understand that your purpose on earth is 1. Focus on Kingdom purpose not your life; 2. On Kingdom responsibilities not your life responsibilities; 3. Kingdom provision not life provision. I am your source. Learn to do the things that produce Kingdom life and your earthly life will be fully provided for.
We have much work to accomplish – you and I. We will accomplish it together. Do not look to others but look to me. Do not think that you are exempt because of health, money, education issues. In my kingdom these have no relevance only faith that presses in. A new day! Contend for it!!
Prophetic Word given to Charlotte Howard by Holy Spirit
For the last several years Father God has given me a word for the New Year. This year is no different although the "Word" is much shorter. He said the WORD for this year is "WATCHMAN'. He then said to, Watch for His abundant grace, for His glory, for his intervention and for His delivering power in our lives. For those who may have a hard time believing that our Lord speaks today, consider what He said In John10:4. What an awesome year our Father has planned for His own. Our responsibility would be to watch, believe, and receive.
For the last several years Father God has given me a word for the New Year. This year is no different although the "Word" is much shorter. He said the WORD for this year is "WATCHMAN'. He then said to, Watch for His abundant grace, for His glory, for his intervention and for His delivering power in our lives. For those who may have a hard time believing that our Lord speaks today, consider what He said In John10:4. What an awesome year our Father has planned for His own. Our responsibility would be to watch, believe, and receive.
Prophetic Word given to Charlotte Howard by Holy Spirit
The number 16 is the dual form of number 8, which represents “a new beginning.” Holy Spirit said that 2016 would represent a new beginning for each of us with a double portion of His grace upon His church. A superabundant grace over us for the year. The impression was that there would be more difficult things in our world but that His superabundant grace over His church would cause us to walk out each situation to a place of strength, success, and victory that will have direct value on the areas where we live, work and serve. As a result of how He leads us to walk out of our situation without complaint, but with His word coming forth from our mouths, those we have desired and prayed for to see turn and receive Him will come in. Don’t listen to their talk because it will cause you to speak out negative words, but listen to my Spirit who knows all things and knows the heart of each person you hold up before Me. Pray what I tell you to pray. Declare what I tell you to declare over them, for it is my time for them to choose to receive my life.
The number 16 represents love and loving. In this year, you will experience a depth of understanding of my love that sent my Son to die for you so that you may live. As I displayed my love for you, you must grow in the ability to show that same love to others. It will be a sign of maturity in you to love as I have loved you.
If you will seek my heart, pressing in to know me, I will reveal myself to you in greater measure than ever before. When you walk in obedience to my word and my Holy Spirit, you will walk in freedom and liberty. Fruit will come from your obedience. To be fruitful in my Kingdom will require a new mindset, a mindset of obedience to my logos, and my rehema Word to you. If you will set aside those things that presently occupy your life, putting them in order of importance, then your life will flow in abundant peace, uninterrupted peace, flowing like a river.
This world has entered a new season of fear and violence caused by the enemy playing upon the hearts of those who are leaders of the world crises. Their hearts are darkened by the enemy with greed for power, prominence, and possessions. It is as I said it would be, bringing all things to the place for the unveiling of prophetic events. All things are working toward that day that shall come. Make yourself ready. Keep your heart right before me. Do not let what is happening cause you to walk in fear about your life. I hold you in the palm of my hand. My Father holds you in His Hands. Those who do know their God will walk in freedom and liberty with quiet joy flowing forth from their lives, characterized by Peace.
Just as I protected Israel, I will protect and provide for my loved ones. You are mine and I love you. There are those of my body who are subject to difficult things. Pray for them that their faith will not fail. Pray for doors to open to bring them out of prison, not the prison made my man, but the prison of fear that captivates their hearts and holds them in unbelief. Pray for my Spirit to overshadow them with my glory so that those around them can come to know me. As my servant Paul said, the affliction is working for them an eternal weight of glory. Pray for renewal of commitment among those who have walked their own way. Pray for those who have fallen because of pressures from the world around them. Pray for those who mock and laugh at my church. They can yet be brought to life through your life and prayers. Trust that I will bring a wave of my Spirit never before seen in this land. I know the condition of the heart of man. I know how to turn this heart toward me. Pray for this land for the heart of this nation. Do not be fearful but rise up in faith and work with me through prayer to bring to this moment in time my plan for this part of the body of Christ. You must no longer complain but go forth in faith declaring and proclaiming my plan for this nation. My plan is not that it be known as a great nation because of its humanitarian efforts, nor for its military but for its faith in the God of All Creation. Come out of the closet of prayers and begin to speak what you have heard in the closet. Declare My WORDS. My WORDS do not return void, but are performed by my Spirit, my Holy Angels. Be aware of global things; be aware of things happening in your city, your state, your nation. Watch! Be my watchmen who shout aloud what they hear and see. Look beyond the natural and see the supernatural. You are a supernatural people because of my life in you. Learn to see beyond your physical eyes and see by my Spirit. Learn to hear and obey. Live beyond your Western mindset! Live beyond your current understanding of what you think you know about scripture or me. Remember that I said to the Pharisees that they did not know my word and therefore they did not know me. Their traditions had made my word ineffective to their understanding of my scripture. Do not be like them. I am the Almighty and nothing is beyond my touch nor beyond my ability to change.
The days ahead of you will be days of strength, presence and power. You will see it only if you are watching and listening.
Watch, listen, and obey.
The number 16 is the dual form of number 8, which represents “a new beginning.” Holy Spirit said that 2016 would represent a new beginning for each of us with a double portion of His grace upon His church. A superabundant grace over us for the year. The impression was that there would be more difficult things in our world but that His superabundant grace over His church would cause us to walk out each situation to a place of strength, success, and victory that will have direct value on the areas where we live, work and serve. As a result of how He leads us to walk out of our situation without complaint, but with His word coming forth from our mouths, those we have desired and prayed for to see turn and receive Him will come in. Don’t listen to their talk because it will cause you to speak out negative words, but listen to my Spirit who knows all things and knows the heart of each person you hold up before Me. Pray what I tell you to pray. Declare what I tell you to declare over them, for it is my time for them to choose to receive my life.
The number 16 represents love and loving. In this year, you will experience a depth of understanding of my love that sent my Son to die for you so that you may live. As I displayed my love for you, you must grow in the ability to show that same love to others. It will be a sign of maturity in you to love as I have loved you.
If you will seek my heart, pressing in to know me, I will reveal myself to you in greater measure than ever before. When you walk in obedience to my word and my Holy Spirit, you will walk in freedom and liberty. Fruit will come from your obedience. To be fruitful in my Kingdom will require a new mindset, a mindset of obedience to my logos, and my rehema Word to you. If you will set aside those things that presently occupy your life, putting them in order of importance, then your life will flow in abundant peace, uninterrupted peace, flowing like a river.
This world has entered a new season of fear and violence caused by the enemy playing upon the hearts of those who are leaders of the world crises. Their hearts are darkened by the enemy with greed for power, prominence, and possessions. It is as I said it would be, bringing all things to the place for the unveiling of prophetic events. All things are working toward that day that shall come. Make yourself ready. Keep your heart right before me. Do not let what is happening cause you to walk in fear about your life. I hold you in the palm of my hand. My Father holds you in His Hands. Those who do know their God will walk in freedom and liberty with quiet joy flowing forth from their lives, characterized by Peace.
Just as I protected Israel, I will protect and provide for my loved ones. You are mine and I love you. There are those of my body who are subject to difficult things. Pray for them that their faith will not fail. Pray for doors to open to bring them out of prison, not the prison made my man, but the prison of fear that captivates their hearts and holds them in unbelief. Pray for my Spirit to overshadow them with my glory so that those around them can come to know me. As my servant Paul said, the affliction is working for them an eternal weight of glory. Pray for renewal of commitment among those who have walked their own way. Pray for those who have fallen because of pressures from the world around them. Pray for those who mock and laugh at my church. They can yet be brought to life through your life and prayers. Trust that I will bring a wave of my Spirit never before seen in this land. I know the condition of the heart of man. I know how to turn this heart toward me. Pray for this land for the heart of this nation. Do not be fearful but rise up in faith and work with me through prayer to bring to this moment in time my plan for this part of the body of Christ. You must no longer complain but go forth in faith declaring and proclaiming my plan for this nation. My plan is not that it be known as a great nation because of its humanitarian efforts, nor for its military but for its faith in the God of All Creation. Come out of the closet of prayers and begin to speak what you have heard in the closet. Declare My WORDS. My WORDS do not return void, but are performed by my Spirit, my Holy Angels. Be aware of global things; be aware of things happening in your city, your state, your nation. Watch! Be my watchmen who shout aloud what they hear and see. Look beyond the natural and see the supernatural. You are a supernatural people because of my life in you. Learn to see beyond your physical eyes and see by my Spirit. Learn to hear and obey. Live beyond your Western mindset! Live beyond your current understanding of what you think you know about scripture or me. Remember that I said to the Pharisees that they did not know my word and therefore they did not know me. Their traditions had made my word ineffective to their understanding of my scripture. Do not be like them. I am the Almighty and nothing is beyond my touch nor beyond my ability to change.
The days ahead of you will be days of strength, presence and power. You will see it only if you are watching and listening.
Watch, listen, and obey.
Prophetic Word given by Charlotte Howard by the Holy Spirit
When I asked the Father what was on His Heart and what He would like to say, the impression I had was "My People". They are floundering. They do not seem to know their purpose in and for my Kingdom. Tell them who they are and what I have called them to do. Not just to do but that I have called them to a kingdom that is full of love, acceptance, favor, and provision. I want them to learn to live from my Kingdom, living in favor not fear, receiving my love and provision without striving for the. I want them to learn to rest in my love and know that what they need will be provided. My purpose for them is to have my heart as I have theirs. To be one with me. We are one Spirit, joined together in the Holy Spirit. I want them to believe in my words, to expect that because I am Truth my words are truth. Truth is your strongest weapon against the lies of the enemy. I want them to learn to live and walk in the Kingdom principles. My Kingdom is righteous peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. They are righteous because of my righteousness. Righteousness brings peace, my peace, which the world will never give them. I want my people, my church to come out of the world, walk, and live by my spirit. There are things of the flesh that you still hold on to and those things must go. My spirit is ready to show you what they are so deliverance can come and you can live in freedom. As freedom, true freedom comes to my church; my church will walk in great light. Light and glory will cover you as glory rested on my servant Moses. You are the light of the world and your light will cause darkness to flee.
Because darkness is growing across my work, I need my body to express whom I am. I need my body to express righteousness peace and joy as you live each day. Each day is important. I have given you time. Time is called today! Live fully each day, redeeming time. Show fourth my love. Love as I lived on earth using each day to its fullest. I live by the Holy Spirits power. I expect my church to do the same. I need my church to stand for my Kingdom and fight the fight in faith. The world watches and jeers, making light of my church. Only when you return to me with your whole heart will my church begin to effect the darkness. When you murmur and complain about your life and the testings' you are going through, you are not different. I called you as kings and priest. I have given you my blood and my word to stand from my promise of life abundant and using the weapons, to put darkness to flight. Instead, you want someone else to fight your battles. Learn how to stand for yourself, for your family, church, and city. Do not give into fear, lethargy or settle for mediocrity as your lifestyle. Be watchful. Be on guard against the enemy. I need my body to take up arms and to battle in prayer for the souls of men. Put your hand to the plow and persevere. I am declaring this to be the year of family. Love, speak and pray my words and see your family members come out of the darkness of unbelief, fear, depression, anger, addictions because of the power of my word spoken in prayer. My work never returns void but accomplishes what you and I send it to do. Stand in the promises of my word and do not bow your knee to unchanged circumstances. Stand and see the miraculous happen in your lives, your family, businesses city and world.
2014 has been for many of you a year of severe testing. You have fought and you are learning to stand by faith. Now close and lock that door. The key is faith. Do not look back on past failures but look forward by faith to victories yet to come. Faith is the platform to victory. Prayer is the action that must be done before victory can come. I have set you in the earth to pray my purposes from heaven to earth. When heaven and earth are, in agreement then changes occur. Do not become so bust with your things that you are not willing to become busy with my things. Maturity must come to my body. Listen to those I have set in your midst because they watch for your soul. They love you and they speak for me. 2015-the year 2015 will be a significant year for the world and for my body. The numbers can be combined to make up 2015 can be any combination, but I have chosen seven and eight, ten and five. Seven speaks of my perfection and completeness and eight is the number of new beginnings. Ten is the number of law or government and five signifies my cross, atonement and grace. This year my church will experience my grace, great grace, abundant grace. It will be a year of growing maturity, of learning that you are complete in my law and me. My words will have first place in your life, because they are being written in your minds and hearts.
Prophetically, this will be a year of fulfillment of prophetic words written hundreds of years ago. Listen to the voice I have set in the earth today. Listen and learn to discern truth. Watch what is about to occur and do not move into fear but trust Me. The world will see and be astonished. Watch and pray! BE vigilant church! Exciting days are ahead for you. Do not be lulled to sleep by daily routine. Awaken each day with wonder at what I have in store for you. I love you!
When I asked the Father what was on His Heart and what He would like to say, the impression I had was "My People". They are floundering. They do not seem to know their purpose in and for my Kingdom. Tell them who they are and what I have called them to do. Not just to do but that I have called them to a kingdom that is full of love, acceptance, favor, and provision. I want them to learn to live from my Kingdom, living in favor not fear, receiving my love and provision without striving for the. I want them to learn to rest in my love and know that what they need will be provided. My purpose for them is to have my heart as I have theirs. To be one with me. We are one Spirit, joined together in the Holy Spirit. I want them to believe in my words, to expect that because I am Truth my words are truth. Truth is your strongest weapon against the lies of the enemy. I want them to learn to live and walk in the Kingdom principles. My Kingdom is righteous peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. They are righteous because of my righteousness. Righteousness brings peace, my peace, which the world will never give them. I want my people, my church to come out of the world, walk, and live by my spirit. There are things of the flesh that you still hold on to and those things must go. My spirit is ready to show you what they are so deliverance can come and you can live in freedom. As freedom, true freedom comes to my church; my church will walk in great light. Light and glory will cover you as glory rested on my servant Moses. You are the light of the world and your light will cause darkness to flee.
Because darkness is growing across my work, I need my body to express whom I am. I need my body to express righteousness peace and joy as you live each day. Each day is important. I have given you time. Time is called today! Live fully each day, redeeming time. Show fourth my love. Love as I lived on earth using each day to its fullest. I live by the Holy Spirits power. I expect my church to do the same. I need my church to stand for my Kingdom and fight the fight in faith. The world watches and jeers, making light of my church. Only when you return to me with your whole heart will my church begin to effect the darkness. When you murmur and complain about your life and the testings' you are going through, you are not different. I called you as kings and priest. I have given you my blood and my word to stand from my promise of life abundant and using the weapons, to put darkness to flight. Instead, you want someone else to fight your battles. Learn how to stand for yourself, for your family, church, and city. Do not give into fear, lethargy or settle for mediocrity as your lifestyle. Be watchful. Be on guard against the enemy. I need my body to take up arms and to battle in prayer for the souls of men. Put your hand to the plow and persevere. I am declaring this to be the year of family. Love, speak and pray my words and see your family members come out of the darkness of unbelief, fear, depression, anger, addictions because of the power of my word spoken in prayer. My work never returns void but accomplishes what you and I send it to do. Stand in the promises of my word and do not bow your knee to unchanged circumstances. Stand and see the miraculous happen in your lives, your family, businesses city and world.
2014 has been for many of you a year of severe testing. You have fought and you are learning to stand by faith. Now close and lock that door. The key is faith. Do not look back on past failures but look forward by faith to victories yet to come. Faith is the platform to victory. Prayer is the action that must be done before victory can come. I have set you in the earth to pray my purposes from heaven to earth. When heaven and earth are, in agreement then changes occur. Do not become so bust with your things that you are not willing to become busy with my things. Maturity must come to my body. Listen to those I have set in your midst because they watch for your soul. They love you and they speak for me. 2015-the year 2015 will be a significant year for the world and for my body. The numbers can be combined to make up 2015 can be any combination, but I have chosen seven and eight, ten and five. Seven speaks of my perfection and completeness and eight is the number of new beginnings. Ten is the number of law or government and five signifies my cross, atonement and grace. This year my church will experience my grace, great grace, abundant grace. It will be a year of growing maturity, of learning that you are complete in my law and me. My words will have first place in your life, because they are being written in your minds and hearts.
Prophetically, this will be a year of fulfillment of prophetic words written hundreds of years ago. Listen to the voice I have set in the earth today. Listen and learn to discern truth. Watch what is about to occur and do not move into fear but trust Me. The world will see and be astonished. Watch and pray! BE vigilant church! Exciting days are ahead for you. Do not be lulled to sleep by daily routine. Awaken each day with wonder at what I have in store for you. I love you!